If you have a Twittomatic site or blog, you might want to consider using Twittastic. This is a free application for your blog or site that allows you to use a database of Twittomatic users, a list of your Twittomatic posts and comments, a list of Twittomatic authors, a list of your Twittomatic links and other tools. When you use this application, it will automatically import and store all the information that you place on your Twittomatic site. Once the Twittomatic application is open, you will see a screen that allows you to search and insert links. On a Twittomatic site, you are not limited to the normal search and insert functionality. If you want to insert a link that is specific to the topic of your post, it will automatically do that for you.
In a short time, the Twittastic program has become a very popular tool for people who have blogs and Twittomatic sites. The program is free and you can use it with ease. In fact, you can download the program and install it on your site, and then you will have access to it at any time. In addition, with the application you can update your site from the same area that you view your Twittomatic entries and comments. With the Twittastic application you can upload files are not limited to just pictures and text.